Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or II to indicate the answer to each of the questions.

Having a hobby that you enjoy - whether that’s crocheting a sweater for your beastie’s new baby, hitting the slopes to enjoy some fresh powder, or practicing pirouettes in ballet class - has all sorts of well-documented benefits, from lower levels of stress to an increased sense of belonging and purpose. Clearly, hobbies can make a serious impact on your quality of life. But they can also improve your work performance. According to licensed professional counselor Rebecca Weiler, when you’re engaged and fulfilled in your life outside of work like you are when you’re pursuing meaningful hobbies, that happiness spills over. It can make you more focused and enthusiastic when you’re on the job.

And depending on the hobby, the skills you gain as a result of your leisurely pursuits can also make you better at your job and make you a more appealing candidate for potential employers. “For example, someone who performs in an improvisational group as a hobby could be attractive to an employer because they can think quickly on their feet and may also be more comfortable presenting in front of a group of people,” Weiler says.

So, having a hobby that you love can do good things for your life and your job. But what if you don’t actually have a hobby you enjoy? You’re not alone. According to Weiler, trying to find meaningful hobbies is one of the primary reasons her clients - especially young people - seek counseling. Clearly, there are plenty of people out there who don’t have, or don’t know how to find, a hobby. But that doesn’t mean they can’t find one. It doesn’t matter if you’re 25 or 85 years old - it’s not too late to hop on board the hobby train!

According to paragraph 3, what kind of people requires counseling?

Đáp án đúng là: B
Giải thích
Theo đoạn 3, loại người nào cần tư vấn?
A. Những người không có vấn đề nhưng muốn tự khám phá và cải thiện bản thân
B. Những người sống một cuộc sống nhàm chán không có sở thích
C. Những người đã trải qua một sự kiện cuộc sống căng thẳng hoặc tổn thương
D. Những người có vấn đề về sức khỏe tâm thần cần được hỗ trợ
Căn cứ vào thông tin đoạn ba:
But what if you don’t actually have a hobby you enjoy? You’re not alone. According to Weiler, trying to find meaningful hobbies is one of the primary reasons her clients - especially young people - seek counseling.